Book - Excuse Me...are you my Mum?
Book - Excuse Me...are you my Mum?
Book - Excuse Me...are you my Mum?

Book - Excuse Me...are you my Mum?

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Our lovely 'in house' book is written by our wonderful long-time Volunteer, Rob Wells, and contains delightful watercolour illustrations by artist, Grahame Tucker. Each page contains the story text plus additional information to educate the reader about seals.

Will baby Lightning find her Mum?
Lightning, a three-week-old grey seal pup, feels lost when her Mum disappears. Travel with Lightning as she goes on a quest to find her Mum. For a young seal pup, there are many dangers to avoid and perils to overcome. Discover whether Lightning succeeds and, along the way, learn about how tough it is to be a seal and what we can do to help.

*Spoiler alert* - despite all the perils Lightning faces, there is a happy ending!

An educational and uplifting story for readers of all ages.

By buying this book, you will help with marine research and conservation as all profits will go to us at the Seal Research Trust. Your purchase helps to fund our mission to promote and protect our precious, native, wild seals! Thank you!